In this tutorial we’ll install the Debian Linux 9 (squeeze), Apache 2 with mpm-itk (to run each web as a isolated user),...
Adding a sudoer to use sudo on Debian
Sudo allows a system administrator to delegate authority to give certain users (or groups of users) the ability to run some (or all) commands as root or another user while providing an audit trail of the commands and their arguments.
1. Create a new user (optional)
adduser user1
2. Make sure sudo is install (installed by default on lenny)
apt-get install sudo
3. Add the new user to the sudo-ers list (visudo)
user1 ALL=(ALL) ALL
This will allow user1 to run all commands that require root privileges. You can also limit the access, Click here to view the syntax
4. Save the file by pressing Ctrl-X if you are using Nano/pico or :w if using vi
You can now login as the standard user (user1) and execute commands that require root privileges using sudo.
Thanks for the tip, but I was really hoping for a GUI way to do this. After years of both the command line and GUI in Linux, i now ‘know’ that (1) Debian really is the best, and (2) Debian needs GUI config tools if it wants to compete for Joe Blow desktop users. I cannot honestly recommend *buntu, but Debian doesn’t have the GUI administration that users want.